

welcome to my blog.

I don’t know how you reached it, but since it’s public, it can happen that someone sooner or later stumbles upon it by accident.

This blog is a kind of diary with stories, notes about many arguments, descriptions of exhibitions or cities I’ve visited, opinions on books I’ve read and films I’ve seen, descriptions of programming spikes, small tutorials (which are useful for me to remember things already done in ther past) and comments on daily news (especially about sports, especially about football, especially about Juventus).

As regards my work, I am a software engineer, over the years I have worked for many companies which have allowed me to cover many roles and to deal with almost all the aspects of IT: systems management, programming, systems integration and project management. Lately I have been working mainly on the development of web applications, IoT and Business Intelligence.
For more information this is the link to my CV.

Okay then, enjoy your stay on this blog and feel free to contact me if you want to ask me anything.

